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Thursday, March 29, 2012

More Extreme Micro-Fiction

I've had a whole 24 hours to think of new extreme micro-fiction to post.  I introduced it to my students today and to say that it piqued their interest would be an understatement.  It's like I could watch them begin mentally counting and then recounting words.  It is a great minilesson on word choice.  It fit really well into my poetry lesson today.  Choose words that convey the most meaning possible...trim the fat!  Use words the readers won't soon forget.  Find a phrase that sticks with them!  Hopefully some of them will get on here and post their ideas!  We'll see...but for now, more of micro-fiction:

  • Juicy apple ruined by half worm.
  • Met the neighbors...need a fence.
  • Be a virus.  See the world!  
  • First date means butterflies like condors.
  • I'm the lamb that was lost.
  • He left the others for me.
Some of these are funny.  Some are inspirational.  Some can be interpreted in different ways.  That is what is so great about micro-fiction (or short fiction of any kind, really), it can be what you want it to be!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Extreme Micro-Fiction

Narrative, along with several other literature magazines and blogs, randomly have contests where short fiction is concerned.  But one of my favorites, and by far the most challenging, is the extreme micro-fiction stories.  For the contest in Narrative, the word count had to be 6 more, no less.  The entire story!  The idea comes from Hemingway (doesn't everything?!).  Legend has it that he was asked once to write a story in only six words.  He wrote:  "For Sale:  Baby shoes, never worn.".  Now, I'm no Hemingway, but the idea intrigued me, so, I thought I'd take a stab at it.  Below are a few I have been working on.  Let me just say that it is amazing how much editing you have to go through to create a 6 word story!

Two brothers, one girl.  I won.
Wanted:  Politician who held real job.
Blooming lilacs.  Achoo!  God bless you!
If only he would have listened!
Teaching?  More like "three ring circus"!

I could do this all night!  But, alas, I actually do need to attend to that "three ring circus" in the morning!  Let me know what you think!