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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So, here is the web that I created from my T-Charts, and from the web, my students created lists of figurative language to use. 
So, for mine, I did things like:  white water, splash! splish!, smooth as glass, boat was swimming, sun was a light bulb, the river snakes through, the leaves are a green curtain, etc.  

From this, we crafted the poem.  Mine is below:

Climb into the kayak
from off the dock
I push off and start to paddle
My paddle
cuts through the water;
A knife through hot butter.
Swoosh!  Splash!  Swoosh!  Splash!
The boat is swimming to
my least favorite spot,
but it's a necessary 
to open water.
This part of the Catawba is
a tangle of roots;
the water
barely deep enough
to cover them.
"Stay in the middle,"
I tell myself.
Spanish moss,
full of God-knows what,
hangs down
like a green curtain
I must part to
get out.
The river snakes through the shallow bed,
and finally a breakthrough!
--the open Catawba River.
My kayak races through the flat water,
smooth as glass.
Without white water,
I fly across the expanse toward
the big brown bridge 
that is my cue
to turn for

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